Friday, February 2, 2018

I just need a routine

“I just need a routine”

There is no routine, magic bullet or quick fix.  The incredible workout that gets you tight, toned and fit in just four easy sessions does not exist and will never exist.  What does get results is a consistent, managed training program.  We are adaptive machines and so any efficient program needs to reflect that adaptability. As our capacity changes so does the demand we can  place on ourselves.  Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result is one definition of insanity.

Show me a successful athlete, intellect or artist and you can bet every single one of them has at least one coach or mentor.  We see what you do not and cannot. If we are good at our craft, then we make sure that every single thing you do during the time you spend with us gets you just a little bit farther towards getting you to your goal. Get a coach! Commit to working with someone for three months.  Invest in yourself.  Show up. Learn. Do the work.  Get better.
Don’t no show, cancel, train once a week and expect progress. If you put the time in and you have a coach that cares then you will get better, you will get stronger, you will get leaner. 
The magic equation is: consistency + coached effort = progress.  Try that on for size and let me know your thoughts twelve weeks from today.